Global warming is certain changes in the environment and social environment caused by greenhouse gas emissions. It is also a gradual increase in the temperature of the ocean surface and the planet Earth in general.

What is the global average temperature?
The global average temperature is the average of all annual temperatures on our planet. Usually, the data is calculated for each day in different regions, and then the arithmetic mean for the whole planet is calculated for the year. The increase (or decrease) in the global average temperature on Earth is the difference between the annual average temperatures. An increase in the global average temperature means that there are more hot days than cold days in a year.

What scientists think about global warming
Most scientists believe that global warming is caused by humans. It is also important to understand that warming is a general change in temperature that occurs unevenly depending on the season and location. The climate can also become colder. For example, climate change in Ukraine has resulted in a significant increase in temperature in winter, not in summer. Last year, scientists came to a final conclusion: the planet is getting warmer, and humans are the cause of global warming. Scientists say that if the average global temperature rises by more than 1.5°C, the consequences will be truly catastrophic: floods and droughts will become much more intense, and people in warm regions will die because they cannot stay in the hot air.

Causes of global warming
The burning of oil, coal and natural gas; irrational agriculture, landfills, and the development of motor vehicles all lead to greenhouse gas emissions (including methane and carbon dioxide), which, when released into the planet’s atmosphere, only increase the greenhouse effect, which also leads to global climate change.

Consequences of global warming
Melting glaciers, climate change, destruction of fauna and flora – all these are the consequences of global warming. Melting ice, primarily in the Antarctic, has caused a 7.6 mm rise in sea level since 1992. In addition to rising sea levels, rising global temperatures can lead to changes in precipitation.

How to counteract climate change?
Save energy and natural resources
-Take care of natural ecosystems
-Consume ecological products (preferably of plant origin)
-Reduce the amount of waste
-Buy products with the smallest possible carbon footprint
(The carbon footprint* is the total emissions of all greenhouse gases that are generated by human activity or the production of a product)
-Reduce car use (give preference to walking, bicycles and electric transport)
-Reduce the use of air conditioners (some scientists note that the operation of air conditioners, or rather its component refrigerant, which contains chlorine molecules, destroys the Earth’s ozone layer), etc.