Equatorial climate
This type of climate is characterized by the domination of hot and humid equatorial air masses. The air temperature here is constant (+24-28 ° C), during the year there is a lot of precipitation (from 1500 to 5000 mm). Because the amount of precipitation exceeds evaporation, the soils in the equatorial climate are swampy, and dense and high rainforests grow on them.

Subequatorial Climate.
This type of climate has rainy seasons every year-the summers are hot and there is often heavy rainfall. With the onset of winter
comes the cooler, drier season. Precipitation in the subequatorial climate is very unevenly distributed. For example, Conakry, the capital of Guinea, receives
15 mm of rainfall between December and March, and 3,920 mm between June and September.

Tropical Climate
The tropical climate zone is dominated by high-pressure anticyclones with clear weather for most of the year. This climate zone is characterized by two seasons, a warm season and a cold season. Temperatures can range from +20 ° C on the coast to +50 ° C inland. Daily variations in temperature are also very significant: In the summertime during the day the air is heated to +40-45 ° C, while at night it cools to +10-15 ° C. Deserts are often found in the tropics, the largest of which is the Sahara in Africa.

Subtropical climate
A subtropical climate prevails in regions between tropical and temperate latitudes, roughly between 30° and 45° north and south. It usually has hot tropical summers and fairly cool winters. Average monthly temperature in summer is above +22 °С, in winter it is higher than -3 °С, but because of the polar air intrusions frosts down to -10 … -15 °С are possible, and sometimes severe (up to -25 °С) frosts occur.

Temperate climate
This type of climate is formed over temperate latitudes (from 40-45° north and south latitudes to the polar circles). In the Northern Hemisphere more than half of the surface of the temperate zone is land, in the Southern Hemisphere 98% is oceans. Temperate climate is characterized by frequent and severe weather changes due to cyclones.

(Subarctic/Subantarctic) climate The Subarctic climate belt is located between the Arctic and temperate climate belts of the Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. A temperate air mass dominates here in summer and an arctic air mass in winter. Summer is short and cold – in July the daytime air temperature rarely rises above +15 °С, at night it drops to 0 … +3 °С. Night frosts may occur during all summer. In winter the air temperature
during the day and at night reaches -35-45 °С.

Subantarctic climate belt is located in the southern hemisphere between the temperate and Antarctic belts. The vast majority of the subantarctic climate zone is occupied
the surface of the ocean. The amount of precipitation reaches 500 mm per year.

Polar Climate.
Above 70° North and 65° South latitude, the polar climate dominates in two belts: the Arctic and Antarctic. Polar air masses dominate the area all year round.